Frequently Asked Questions

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Automotive Photography

How long does a shoot take?

Thats a loaded question. On average I spend about 20 minutes per shot but if we are just doing simple daylight photos for an ad, less than a minute per image.

When will i recieve my image(s)?

Depending on the style, my turnaround time is 5 days. Less complicated shoots, as soon as the next day.

What happens if the weather is bad on the day of the shoot?

If the weahter is less than favorable, rescheduling is easy! Open the email you recieved when you booked and click the link to select another day.

If I cancel my shoot, do I get a refund?

Unfortunately, there are no refunds. However, you can always reschedue within 4 hours of the shoot.

How do I know where to go when i book?

When you book your shoot you are given the option to enter a location. If you opted to leave that blank, I will scout locations as soon as I recieve the booking info. I will send you the address to the location I have selected within 3 hours of the shoot. If you need more time, be sure to select the box and I will get it to you sooner.

Editing and Retouching

If i submit my photo for editing, Can I expect the same results as I see in your photography portfolio?

No, my photoshoots consist of more than a single image altered with editing. I take multiple exposures to get the data I need to construct an image that matches my vision.

What can I expect?

When I edit a photo, depending on the amount of tine I am given, I will clean up the image and stylize it for a cleaner look. More time = better results

What file type do i need to send you?

Raw images yield the best results. I can also work with .jpg but I will be more limited to recovering details from shadows and highlights.

How long will you take to edit my image?

You control how long I spend on an image durring the booking process. The more time I have, the better the results.

Can you make my image larger?

The short answer is no. Yes, an image can be upsized but you will always sacrafice quality when viewed up close.

My image is blurry, can you fix it?

I can not alter the focus of an image. I can apply a few sharpening techniques that can make it a little better but results may vary.

How do i send you my image?

You will have the option to upload an image durring the booking process.

Pick my brain

I booked a phone call with you, whats next?

I will recieve you booking and contact you on the Time/Date that you selected. I will call the number that you entered on the intake form.

What all will be covered on a phone call?

You control the conversation. I am an open book. Ask me anything photography, editing, or gear related and I will do my best to give you my best answer.

What is covered in a video call?

A video call can cover anything that needs to be visual to understand. We can go over one of my existing images and see what all went in to it in photoshop or I can show you any editing techniques that you may be interested in.

Technical Questions

What kind of camera do you use?

I use a Canon 5D Mark III.

What software do you use to edit your photos?

I use a combination of Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.

What do you use for lighting?

My main lighting setup consists of a 600w strobe with a wireless trigger. For light painting, I reccomend an Icelight.

How long have you been shooting?

I started Automotive Photography in October of 2015. If you check my IG @hafastphoto You can see all of my earlier work. It was not pretty but we all have to start somewhere!